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HomeCHINA THREATENS OTHERS25th June 2024 Headlines About China's Illegal Acting Including U.S. F-35s Join...

25th June 2024 Headlines About China’s Illegal Acting Including U.S. F-35s Join Philippine Marines in South China Sea Live-Fire Drill!

Headlines About China’s Aggression Illegal Acting The South China Sea!

Philippines wants to talk with China on South China Sea, foreign minister says

China claims almost the entire South China Sea with its so-called nine-dash line, which overlaps the exclusive economic zones of rival claimants Brunei,…

U.S. F-35s Join Philippine Marines in South China Sea Live-Fire Drill – USNI News

Four U.S. Marine F-35B Lighting II dropped seven GBU-32 500-pound guided bombs on targets floating off the coast of Western Luzon in the South China Sea in…

China Conducts Landing Ship Drills as Tensions Rise in S. China Sea

China’s navy is conducting amphibious drills in the South China Sea as tensions rise over control of the Philippine exclusive economic zone,…

Philippines says latest South China Sea clash a ‘deliberate act’ by Beijing

The Philippines said on Monday that its encounter with China last week in the disputed South China Sea, where a Filipino navy officer lost a finger,…

Vietnam Concerned About Surging Tensions in South China Sea, Reaches Out to Manila for Talks

The Vietnamese government called for restraint from China and the Philippines following last week’s violent confrontation in the South China Sea.

U.S. protested China’s latest clash with the Philippines in South China Sea, State official reveals

The Philippine government has adopted a cautious approach to recent aggressive Chinese coast guard actions in the South China Sea, and the Biden…

Pirates of the South China Sea

How quickly Filipinos’ anger turned into dismay and then indignation when the full picture of the disastrous June 17 Philippine resupply mission to.


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